Account Aggregator Network

Applying for a loan or financial product became easier with the Account Aggregator Network! This secure system enables seamless digital data sharing but you’re in control. You decide what to share, with whom, and for how long.

What is an Account Aggregator?

  • Account Aggregator (AA) is an RBI-regulated entity that enables secure and seamless financial data sharing between institutions.
  • Your explicit consent is required before any data is shared, and you are shown the terms, reasons, and purpose upfront for complete transparency.
  • The process is fully digital and happens in near real-time, ensuring efficiency and security.
  • AAs cannot read or store your data; they act as a secure bridge, ensuring your financial information remains protected.
  • With Account Aggregators, you stay in control of your financial data—deciding what to share, with whom, and for how long.

How the AA Network Works?

  • You register with an AA through their app or website
  • Choose the account or accounts you want to link
  • When you apply for a loan, the AA seeks your consent to share information using an OTP
  • You select which account data should be shared and the period for which the data should be shared
  • Once the bank receives your data, it does the appraisal and decides on your loan application
  • You can revoke the consent anytime you choose

Benefits of the AA network

  • The customer decides which data they want to share, with whom to share it with, and for how long to share it.
  • The entire process is digital and instant
  • No storing of customer data with the AA, thereby making the whole system secure
  • No need to physically upload account statements when applying for a loan or giving the bank access to your entire bank account

How safe is my data with the AA?

Account Aggregators (AAs) act as secure messengers, not storage data. They do not retain or alter your financial data; instead, they simply enable seamless, consent-driven sharing between your bank and the financial institution requesting it. Your data always stays with your bank, ensuring maximum privacy and security.

Do I need to register with all AAs?

Not necessarily! Registering with just one Account Aggregator (AA) is enough to access financial data sharing. However, if you prefer greater flexibility or have diverse financial needs, you’re free to register with multiple AAs—it’s entirely up to you!

Grievance Redressal

Our grievance resolution process is carried out by the SCNL SPARSH Team, and we aim to resolve your queries and concerns in the fastest and most efficient manner. You can read more about our grievance redressal policy at Click Here